1. Strategies for increasing school enrolment and retention.
2. Addressing social exclusion and advocating for especially girl child education
3. Promoting vocational training in marketable skills for children outside the formal education system
4 Promoting school health education and hygiene linked to WASH
Food and nutrition
1. Promoting nutrition education and counseling in schools and communities
2.Improving food production, storage and utilization by households
3. Strategies to promote infant and young child feeding
4. Strengthening and promoting sustainable community food banks
5. Mechanisms for strengthening referrals and linkages for managing cases of moderate to severe malnutrition
1. Strategies for community health promotion with a specific focus on vulnerable children and households
2. Strengthen health education at community and household level focusing on but not limited to nutrition, hygiene, immunization, primary prevention, psychosocial health etc.
3. Enhanced advocacy for improved staffing and supply of essential drugs to existing community health facilities
4. Strategies to promote and strengthen the provision of adolescent friendly health services
5. Promote access by caregivers, households and children to available health services
6. Promoting access to HIV prevention services for children and care givers including linkages and referrals with community health centers
7. Enhancing access to treatment care and support for HIV positive children and care givers
Child protection
1. Advocacy & enhancing access and community linkages for birth registration,
2. Promoting reintegration of trafficked children into family and community & advocacy to relevant stakeholders on all forms of child abuse
3.Strengthen child protection networks in communities
4. Enhance family and volunteer capacity to identify, manage and appropriately refer cases of child abuse, neglect and exploitation
5. Enhance strategy to promote the Child Rights Act at LGA and community levels
Household economic strengthening
1. Improving income generation at the household and community level, including linkages with existing government and private structures
2. Promotion community savings and loans schemes
3. Promoting and enhancing asset acquisition and retention and business development at the household and community level
4. Enhancing business development skills for care givers and older children
Psychosocial support
1. Developing capacity of caregivers & children to provide psychosocial support
2. Strengthen referral systems for psychosocial support including linkages with community health centers
3. Strengthening parenting skills of care givers including older children heading households or taking care of siblings
4. Strategies to promote early childhood care and development in communities
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